Rediscover Yourself - Healing From Loss

The Ultimate 12-Week Program to Help You Process Your Grief and Create a New Independent Life Without Forgetting Your Loved One

I help people who have lost a spouse and are struggling with adapting to their new life. They may be suffering from lack of sleep due to the empty space beside them, or not eating properly because cooking for one is not enjoyable.

Discover Yourself Once More

It feels like a part of you has died as you have been a couple together for so long and you don’t know who you are without them. Discover what identity means to you through this life-changing experience by exploring your core values and boundaries. Rebuild your life, without losing yourself.

Face Reality With Kindness

Picking up chores and responsibilities that your partner used to do is a painful reality, adding new layers to your grief. Stop yourself from drowning in your grief. Understand your emotional experiences by getting the support and guidance you need to move forward, without losing focus on your healing process.

Fulfill Dreams With Love

Moving on doesn’t mean you forget your partner or you’re letting them go forever. The dreams and aspirations you shared can be fulfilled to honor and remember them. Embrace the love you had and cherish them in your heart, mind, and soul in your own special way.

About Me

When I was 9 years old, my best friend was murdered. We had been playing in her bedroom the day before she was murdered there. When my parents told me, I screamed and cried, my head was spinning. In the aftermath, I struggled with overwhelming emotions and a sense of profound loss. I lost my confidant, someone I could share things with. I felt alone and feared what the future looked like.

I floundered for many years, then, as an adult, I knew I needed to take action and reclaim my life. I talked, researched, and worked my way through the process of dealing with the profound grief I was experiencing. With many words of wisdom from many people who helped me, and endless learning, I moved on and redefined who I am.

My life is different now. I have joy back in my life, and I have my friend in my heart and remember her with affection. I continued with the plans we made, and feel strong and confident in creating my new future.

This journey has had such a huge impact on the way I live my life after loss, that I now want to share it with others to help them process their grief and move forward in a positive and meaningful way.

Rediscover Yourself - Healing from Loss

The Ultimate 12-Week Program to Help You Process Your Grief and Create a New Independent Life Without Forgetting Your Loved One

Rediscover Yourself - Healing from Loss

The Ultimate 12-week program to help you process your grief and create a new independent life without forgetting your loved one

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